SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is a national laboratory and Federally Funded Research and Development Center managed and operated under by Stanford University. The Stanford President has chartered the SLAC Board of Oversight with providing comprehensive and independent oversight of SLAC on behalf of the University. The Board shares its recommendations with SLAC management for follow up, and the Board serves to implement a key component of Stanford’s Contractor Assurance responsibilities for the DOE.
Board Committees
The Operations committee focuses on the totality of strategies, systems including processes, tools and the associated risks and risk management to assure excellence in operations at SLAC. The scope of this committee includes protection of workers, the public, and the environment; safeguards and security, cybersecurity, and emergency management; as well as all business management functions which includes human resources, financial management, procurement, property control and accountability, information resources management, and laboratory communications.

Projects & Infrastructure
The Projects and Infrastructure committee focuses on strategy, overall performance, systems including processes and tools, along with risks and risk management for the execution of Laboratory’s total portfolio of projects. The committee seeks to leverage (and not duplicate) information such as individual project reviews conducted by the Laboratory and DOE to holistically assess the strategy, overall performance, and project management approach and systems.

Risk, Audit & Compliance
The Risk, Audit, and Compliance (RAC) committee oversees the effectiveness of SLAC’s contractor assurance system. The RAC reviews SLAC’s processes for identifying, prioritizing, mitigating, monitoring, auditing, and managing enterprise risks, including those risks that have been given top priority. It also reviews the effectiveness of SLAC’s ethics and compliance programs, including processes for monitoring compliance with laws, regulations, policies, and the University’s code of conduct.

Science & Technology
The Science and Technology committee (STC) has two primary functions: (1) to assess SLAC’s mid-to-long range science and technology program strategy; and (2) to assess progress against that strategy, as well as overall success and impact of SLAC’s science and technology portfolio. In making its assessments and formulating recommendations, the STC considers how well SLAC’s scientific and technology program strategy and performance advances DOE’s mission and leverages shared education and research goals with Stanford.

Upcoming Meetings